
Jodi Todd, RDHAP, Dental Hygiene Practice is dedicated to developing and establishing partnerships with allied health care practitioners in our area and community, to improve the quality of life for all our patients.

Our purpose is to provide distinctive, beneficial oral health care and education for our patients. Our patients can expect honesty, integrity, experienced clinical excellence and customized oral health care.

Jodi Todd, R.D.H.A.P., has over 23 years of experience in the dental profession. Starting with her Registered Dental Assisting License in 1992, Jodi learned fast that dental hygiene was what she really wanted to do.

In 2004, Jodi was accepted to Santa Rosa Junior College Dental Hygiene program. It was here that she acquired the necessary skills through challenges that led her to her passion of treating dental disease. Graduating with honors and taking home the “Golden Scaler” award, Jodi set her eyes on working in private practice. It was there that Jodi learned of the neglect of our underserved populations, such as the elderly and people with special needs.

In 2013, Jodi graduated from University of the Pacific, School of Dentistry with her Registered Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice License (R.D.H.A.P.). This specialized training would allow Jodi to deliver preventative dental hygiene services to those that do not have access to a traditional dental office. Residence of the home bound, skilled nursing facilities, residential care homes, independent Senior Communities, and home or office are all locations Jodi can provide services.

In Jodi’s spare time, she enjoys the outdoors. She likes to go on family pontoon rides in Lake Mendocino or Lake Pillsbury. She is a permanent fan at her children’s sports team games. Cycling is also a fond venture for her.